• Balboa Park Garden Makers — Nancy Carol Carter

Balboa Park Garden Makers — Nancy Carol Carter

  • Thu, February 27, 2025
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Mission Hills United Church of Christ


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Balboa Park Garden Makers — Nancy Carol Carter 

Thursday February 27th, 6-8pm, church hall

Nancy will present A Quartet of Balboa Park Garden Makers:

Balboa Park landscape features created by John Morley, Richard Requa, Kate Sessions and Paul Thiene have not all survived, but the influence and inspiration of these creative, individualistic, stubborn and opportunistic garden makers live on in Balboa Park. Morley devoted 27 years to the park, while Requa passed though like a fast-moving storm. Sessions employed a regional sensibility to her plant choices. California new-comer Thiene looked for the showy and colorful. Each followed a different path into the park. Each brought a unique bundle of experience and training to their work. A collective look at the contributions of this tenacious foursome offers new perspectives on the design and greening of Balboa Park.

Nancy Carol Carter, a long-time member of the Mission Hills Garden Club, researches, writes and speaks about Balboa Park, Kate Sessions and horticultural history. She is the associate editor of California Garden and serves on the boards of San Diego Floral Association, the California Garden and Landscape History Society and the Balboa Park Committee of 100. She volunteers with Forever Balboa Park, the San Diego History Center and is a Trustee of the Library Foundation SD. Carter is retired from the University of San Diego School of Law.

Our Mission: To educate, to engage, to beautify, and to give back. Contact us | www.missionhillsgardenclub.org

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